Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Keeping it Positive

I realize that there is an overabundance of amazing sites that point out what is wrong with the toy industry and marketing, etc. So my take is going to be on the POSITIVE end of the spectrum. I would like to point out the companies and toys that are doing the right thing by us.

I think it's a difficult industry to break out in, so I want to give a little help to the women who are trying to do it on their own. If you have any ideas for me, keep them coming!

You should know that I also work as a consultant in marketing and communications, and, up until now focused mainly on the international aspects (helping companies communicate better outside of their home countries). If you read some of my older posts, you will understand why I talk about learning foreign languages, trade fairs, etc.

Most of the companies Klementina and I work with (we are a dynamic duo) are small companies. They choose us because we are cheap  daring and small and many of them have never really put much thought into marketing and communications because they were busy thinking about products. That gives us a lot to do, naturally, but the challenge is awesome, especially when we get positive results for our clients.

Now, I have always been a feminist, but now that I have entered the world of toys, the more I realize that there is a larger war to wage here, and it has to be done through service to others.  So I would like to keep this blog as clean as I can. I do not want sponsors or any money out of it, but I would like to create a larger community of people who want to do the right thing and get the word out.

That is my mission. This blog now has a larger purpose. Thank you for helping me promote those who are doing good things and trying their best to leave this place a little better than they found it.

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