Sunday, February 9, 2014

If Sales are Down, Provide a Luxury

I get a haircut about once every 5 years. At least that is how often I PAY for a haircut. The rest of the time I just let it grow or do it myself with an electric razor.

It takes me about that long to forget the experience of the last time. I go to the same person, she is close to my house. She is a nice person. She does a decent job.

But here is where I go nuts. She makes me pay DOUBLE what my husband pays. Why is a girl haircut so expensive? She publishes her pricelist and (just like last time) I noticed at the moment of payment that she charges separately for shampooing (I could buy FIVE BOTTLES of shampoo for what this costs so I come with my hair clean), the cut itself (which is all my husband pays for even though he gets the VIP treatment), and the "Piega" which means, in this case, she blowdries it and puts a squirt of gel in it. My hair is so short it just needs a rub with a towel and it's dry, but the fact that she uses a blowdryer on it (which I never do) makes my haircut cost twice what my husband's does.

But that's not all. I would not complain about price if there were some feeling I was getting something MORE. Here are some ideas for the hairdresser who does not want to hear people like me bitching about price.

1. Get a boiler and make a cup of cheap tea. That would make me feel very special.
2. Give me a "discount" even if it's fake.
3. Don't come to work dressed in what looks like your pajamas.
4. Don't complain about money during the entire haircut.
5. Don't complain about how high your taxes are and then NOT ISSUE A PROPER RECEIPT.
6. Don't be my hairdresser for ten years (even if I don't come that often) and say each time "I don't remember your hair being so wavy."
7. Don't talk about "the Crisis" and then charge me a double-price haircut.

In times of economic difficulty, you have to give something more (besides an earful of your problems). Personally, I have a simple and cheap life and I do not spend more money than necessary. That being said, if I am only going to get a haircut once every five years, I will be happy to pay a little more if I feel like I am being treated like royalty. Instead, I felt the weight of having to single-handledly bring my hairdresser out of her economic crisis. For that reason, it will probably be another five years of making-do.

I am convinced that she could drammatically change her business for the better by making a couple of very small changes. She could start by charging me the same as what she charges my husband. Just doing that would be enough to get me to go back every 6 weeks, or whatever you're "supposed" to do to keep that head healthy. If I feel this way, I am sure there are others who have the same sense. That would get her working more and bringing in more money even if each haircut cost a bit less.

But I wouldn't have the courage to say this. It goes against most peoples' wisdom and I wouldn't want to offend. I am too passive agressive for that. My punishment is not to go back. I am just telling you in case you have a small business and you're running into tough times.

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