Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tis The Season For Board Meetings

Can someone explain to me why in official Italian meetings they have TWO convocations and the first one is just a formality? I have two Board Meetings the week of the 15th. In the first meeting, it is just a board meeting and the time is precise (8:00pm sharp!). Of course this is the International School of Trieste (Americans rules).

The first convocation of the second board meeting (Associazione Italo Americana, run by Americans using Italian rules) is on the 19th at 5:00pm,with the second convocation at 5:30pm, and the general assembly at 6:00pm. Why not just put the meeting directly at 5:30 followed by the general assembly? We all know that anyone who comes at 5:00 will have to wait until 5:30 anyway. I don't get it.

You see this with condo meetings as well. Please explain, pretty please.

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