Friday, July 27, 2012

Who doesn't Love a Fair?!

Trade fairs get a bad rap. For many, they're a lot about standing around, checking your email (if your boss kindly paid for wi-fi access when you signed up), and wandering around looking for promotional items (shopping bags! personalizied key chains! USB keys!) to take home.

Here is what WE do at trade Fairs and we have a blast every time. .

1. Size up your competition.
2. Make contacts with potential partners.
3. Get out of the office for a couple of days (oh, did I say that? sorry!)
4. Meet journalists and make friends with them. They will appreciate having a personal contact at your company, too!
5. Exchange ideas with other people in your business.
6. Get ideas from outside your business (if a more general fair).
7. Showcase the best of what you do through papers you present.
8. You can use those giant signs and panels you spent a fortune having made for other events, you know!
9. If you're shy, this could be an opportunity to try being extroverted without anyone you know seeing you!
10. If you go with a colleague, all that time together may just solidify a positive working relationship for you!
11. Check out a new city in a place you would like to do more business.
12. Heck! Why not have a Press Conference while you're there and personally invite the people you would like to attend! This is especially interesting if you're launching a new product or have some other Exciting News to share with the world.

Most importantly, fairs are a great way to widen your contact base and therefore enlarge your network of clients, partners, friends. The human side of meeting people face to face cannot be underestimated. We cannot stress this enough.

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